Stewardship Appeal 2024

Disciples in Action: from Hearers to Doers!

A disciple’s job is to INVITE others often.

The experience of God’s loving touch in one’s life is a meaningful gift the maturing disciple feels compelled to share with others. One way our faith becomes active is when we put into words what God has done for us. Words of witness and acts of genuine hospitality directed toward our friends, relatives and neighbors create the opportunity through which the Holy Spirit brings others into a relationship with Christ and his Church.

The biblical model for evangelism is relational: friends bring friends to Jesus.

“Come and see” are the operative words and find frequent expression in the Gospels, the story of the early Church, and in the tradition of the Church over the centuries. The disciple plants seeds and invites; the Holy Spirit works the miracle of faith and conversion.

Inviting is a part of FELC’s life – and yours, too!

In talking with new members or first-time visitors to First English, the story is almost always the same: “I came to First English Lutheran because my friend (or neighbor, or co-worker, etc.) invited me.”  There’s simply no more effective way to get people to experience the love, hospitality, and exciting ministries of our congregation than person-to-person invitations.

As you think through the list of people with whom you work, play, or just bump into in your daily routine, it’s very likely that someone is “disconnected” from the faith community that the Holy Spirit is eager to welcome them into.  You can be the catalyst of the significant improvement of someone’s life, just by saying, “Hey, you should check out my church.  We have an awesome _____________ (whatever you feel would be beneficial to that person) that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.  Come with me!”

“Disciples in Action: from Hearers to Doers!” is the theme for our Fall 2024 annual appeal.  The theme comes from the core message of the Letter of James:

But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers… those who are doers, who put their faith into action—they will be greatly blessed in their doing!

True faithfulness before God is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to reflect God’s love and purity in all of one’s dealing with the world.

 James 1:22, 23 & 25 (paraphrased)

Building on FELC’s focus, “Redeemed by Christ to Witness and Serve,” we will explore the 7 faith practices that make up a “disciple’s job description.”  These are seven areas of responsibility in which God asks each of us to be engaged as a way to show both our gratitude for God’s grace in Christ Jesus, and our care for God’s children in our community and world.  This year, we’ll go even further in exploring specific opportunities for ministry engagement, with the goal of connecting each and every member of First English with at least one new ministry commitment.

The 7 faith practices are invite, pray, serve, study, encourage, give, and worship

Watch for these symbols in the weeks ahead as we prepare to make disciple commitments during worship on November 24, the Sunday before Thanksgiving!